If only you knew!

11 Sep


Middle of the week already, and the look I bring today its the one I promise on my post here , I show you a more casual version of this blouse, I don’t usually dress with those super high black heels, I normally dress like this, more comfy and casual, so I though boyfriend jeans and wedges was perfect. What do think? Do you like the dressy version or the casual version of this top? Hope you like the look.
Hope you are having a magnificence week!

Ya estamos a la Mitad de la semana y manana jueves todo vuelve a la normalidad en mi casa, los ninos a la guarde un indicio que el veranito se acaba!! 🙂 El look que os traigo hoy es el que os prometi en este post , os muestro una version mas casual de esta blusa, normalmente no me visto asi con esos tacones super altos, sino que me visto mas asi con boyfriend jeans y unas cunas, asi que me parecio perfecto para bajar el tono a la blusa. Que pensais? Os gusta la version casual o la version mas elegante de esta blusa?
Espero que os guste el look y que esteis teniendo una semana magnifica.

Blouse / Blusa: Zara (S/S13)
Boyfriend jeans: Bershka (old)
Wedges / Cunas: Pull and Bear
Sunnies / Gafas:Stradivarius (s/s 12)

Follow me/ SIgueme: INSTAGRAM, TWITTER @littleprettymes , BLOGLOVIN, FACEBOOK


8 Responses to “If only you knew!”

  1. Kenny 11 September, 2013 at 9:57 #

    Now Tania, I insist on the dressy version of you x

  2. heelsandpeplum 11 September, 2013 at 13:20 #

    Muy chula la camisa de encaje!!!! un besito!

    • tanicr 11 September, 2013 at 13:39 #

      Gracias guapa! Xx

  3. thetrickyniki 11 September, 2013 at 13:38 #

    That blouse is mega cute and you’ve styled it beautifully!

    Twitter/Instagram : @colourmeniki

    • tanicr 11 September, 2013 at 13:40 #

      Thank you i love it too! Xoxo

  4. The Fashion Huntress 11 September, 2013 at 15:46 #

    This is a great casual look- that top is fabulous, especially for warmer weather while still being dressy. Love it!

Thank you so much for commenting :)