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My passions, getting crafty part 14

24 Aug

Gooood morning beautiful people! How you all doing? I’m so happy with this weather, its not too hot and its fresh, I get up with a big smile on my face and of course my 2 year old boy, also smiling in my face hahahahahah such a joy :).
Since I have been so busy with our holidays and school holidays, I haven’t really have time to get crafty so, I keep saving projects that I want to do on my folder on my computer, and I thought yesterday, why not sharing that ‘whish list’ of projects and when I actually get to do them I will for sure show you πŸ™‚ for now here are two ideas of things I want to learn how to do, and if you have a little time on your hands get crafty and do them, if you want to share email me your photo or Instagram #littleprettymess πŸ™‚ I can make a post of other peoples projects!! πŸ™‚ WOW that can be really cool!

Buenos dias a todos! como estais? Me hace tan feliz este clima, me levanto con una gran sonrisa en la cara, es perfecto no hace tanta calor y el aire es fresquito! y con la carita de mi hijo a mi lado sonriendome tambien todavia mas feliz! πŸ™‚
He estado tan ocupada ultimamente con las vacaciones de verano, que la verdad no he tenido mucho tiempo de ponerme a hacer cositas de las que me gustan a mi, la carpeta de mi ordenador de proyectos se va hinchando cada vez mas y ayer pense, que tal si comparto esos proyectos con vosotros y cuando tenga el tiempito de hacerlos ya os los enseno, mientras tanto aqui teneis dos proyectos que quiero aprender, si vosotr@s teneis un tiempito libre para poneros hacerlo!! y si queries compartirlo conmigo no dudes en mandarme una photo por mail o Instagram #littleprettymess, podriamos hacer un post con esas fotos! πŸ™‚ Seria genial!!
Besos grandes!

Follow me / SIGUEME en INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, and TWITTER @littleprettymes

pulsera mi

collar de tela

My passions, getting crafty part 13

17 Aug

Good morning everyone, as yesterday was my birthday, me and my hubby went out for dinner and today we are celebrating with a ”white bbq” we called it like that as people have to dress in white except me πŸ™‚ I’m the birthday girl ;), I’m going to make a post on Monday about it.
Today I leave you with some fashion inspiration.
Hope you are enjoying your Saturday, I for sure going to enjoy mine πŸ˜‰

Buenos dias, como ayer fue mi cumpleanos, salimos a cenar mi pareja y yo y hoy lo celebramos con una ”bbq de blanco”, la llamamos asi porque todo el mundo tiene que venir vestido de blanco, menos yo jejejej hey es mi cumple soy la prota jejejejej ;)….El lunes hare una entrada de este dia.
Mientras tanto os dejo con un poquito de inspiracion de moda.
Espero que esteis teniendo un Sabado genial, yo de seguro que si πŸ˜‰

”Nacimos para cometer errores no para fingir ser personas perfectas” Paulo Coelho.

Follow me/ Sigueme : INSTAGRAM @littleprettymess, FACEBOOK, BLOGLOVIN

All about the accesories!


H M white dress
$12Β –Β

Loeffler Randall leather shoes

Santi black purse


My passions, getting crafty part 12

10 Aug

Hello how are you?
One more week of my section getting crafty, this week once again I got ”crafty” with my biggest passion that is fashion πŸ™‚ Enjoy and get inspired πŸ™‚

Hola que tal? Como va el fin de semana?
Una semana mas de mi seccion de mis pasiones, y esta semana me inspire una vez mas con mi pasion mas grande de todas, la moda! Que disfruteis! πŸ™‚


Strawberry bubblegum

ONLY over sized shirt
$46 –

Antik Batik short skirt

Elephant ring

Bare escentual


My passions, getting crafty part 11

3 Aug

Hello everyone, happy beautiful Saturday! This week I have been working a lot on my painting that I showed you on my post here but I don’t want to show you until the painting its done, so here its a bit of inspiration of some of my sets.
What about you? How its your Saturday going? Did you get crafty this week?
See you tomorrow, with more fashion inspiration.

Hola a todos, y feliz sabado de verano! Esta semana he estado trabajando en mi pintura que les ensene en este post , pero no quiero ensenarosla hasta que la termine, asi que aqui os dejo con un poquito de inspiracion de mis sets.
Que tal vosotros? Estais disfrutando del Sabado?
Nos vemos manana con mas inspiracion de moda πŸ™‚

Follow me on Instagram, Bloglovin and Facebook

Square red!

Mango plaid blouse
$53Β –Β

A L C a l c

Alexander Wang croc embossed leather handbag
$1,140Β –Β

Linda farrow

Silver gold and stripes

My passions getting crafty week 10

27 Jul

Hola everyone πŸ™‚ here it is finally! after a lot of stress and a lot of work I have finished my rug, i’m so proud if it, it so cool! hey ho! practice makes a master or something like that hahahah! πŸ™‚ I for sure practice a lot with this one! if I decide to make another one I will definitively tell you :)but for now, I think in a long time, my rug making its done πŸ˜‰ What do you think about his kind of rug? do you think, as I do, its a good idea for recycling?
Hope you are enjoying your Saturday! Thank you so much for all your visits!

Hola a todos πŸ™‚ Aqui esta finalmente! despues de mucho estres y mucho trabajo he terminado mi alfombrilla, estoy muy orgullosa de ella, es super cool, bueno como dicen la practica hace al maestro no? y yo segurisimo he practicado mucho con esta ejejejejje πŸ˜‰ si algun dia decido seguir practicando y hacer otra ya os lo contare jejejejej πŸ™‚ pero por ahora mi practica hacienda alfombrillas ha terminado! Espero que os guste! Que pensais de esta forma de reciclar camisetas?
Espero que esteis disfrutando de vuestro sabado! Muchas gracias por vuestras visitas!

