Like a rock!

10 Sep

Hello everyone!
A few weeks ago a bought this shirt in Zara, i really like the colour i think it makes it really easy to combined with many different colours. Looking in my wardrope i found this skirt that i had for a while now and when i put them together i thought they look very good! What do you think? What colour do you think it will be good for this shirt?
Hope you like the look!

Hola a todos!
Hace unas semanas compre esta camisa en Zara que me encanto el color, me parecio que es un color muy facil de combinar. Buscando buscando en mi armario me encontre esta falda de la temporada pasada que me habia olvidado que la tenia 😁
y cuando me la probe me parecio una combinacion perfecta! Que opinais vosotras? Con que colores combinariais esta camisa?
Espero que os guste el look!
Un besazo

Shirt/ Camisa: Zara (s/s13)
Skirt/ Falda: Zara (old)
Shoes/ Zapatos: Zara (old)
Necklace/ Collar: Lefties (s/s13)



5 Responses to “Like a rock!”

  1. The Fashion Huntress 10 September, 2013 at 16:27 #

    Awesome skirt!! I thought the pairing looks great!

    • tanicr 10 September, 2013 at 17:41 #

      Thank you 😊xoxo

  2. thetrickyniki 10 September, 2013 at 19:13 #

    You look amazingly chic and I love that shirt with the skirt!
    Twitter/Instagram : @colourmeniki

    • tanicr 10 September, 2013 at 19:26 #

      Thank you Niki im glad you like it 🙂 xx

  3. shareasecret 11 September, 2013 at 9:20 #

    Cool skirt!!!


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